Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Taking Things for Granted

6 days ago Wade and our 2 youngest children took their annual flight to NC to spend some time with his family after Christmas. Brianne and I join them every few years, but it is too expensive and too much work to travel with her every year, especially at the height of flu season.

This particular trip has been more challenging than some, as Bri was diagnosed with a respiratory infection the day before they left. This was secondary to having had the flu the previous week. All 3 of our kids got the flu this year, and all 5 of us have had one or more illnesses over this holiday season. Uggghhh!!!

All of this sickness took me by suprise, and I did something that I said I would never do in the early days of Bri's life. After numerous trips back and forth to the hospital with Bri, I told the Lord that I would NEVER take our health for granted again. I would thank Him daily for my health and the health of my family.

Isn't that human nature? When we receive something that we have been asking the Lord for over a long period of time, we have so much gratitude, and we think that we will always feel grateful. But after some time has passed, the "feelings" start to wane, and we find ourselves taking that very thing for granted. Help us Lord!

The other thing that I have taken for granted is my amazing husband. He is such a help with Bri's care that I had forgotten what it was like to have ALL of her care to myself...all those little things that he does for her without drawing any attention to himself. I have realized once again how blessed I really am, and I'm asking the Lord to help me remember this when I'm tempted to fall back into my old ways.

I have also spent some time praying for my friends who are single parents, especially those who are single parents of a special needs child. What a HUGE job they have! Dear Lord, please provide some respite for them! Provide a group of people who will help carry their burden.

Wade and the kids get home tonight, and I pray that I can apply the things I've learned over this little "staycation."


  1. Sharon you are an amazing woman of God! This was an inspiring article, thank you for sharing your heart. I am blessed by you, by Brie and by your mom who is one of my favorite people!!! Love to you and yours~ Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy! She's one of my favorite people too!!

  2. Beautiful Sharon.Thanks for sharing this. You and Wade are an amazing couple.Blessings on you guys.

    1. Thank you Rebecca...praying for you and Tim on your trip to Africa!
