Friday, January 18, 2013

Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen

I watched the much anticipated Oprah interview with Lance Armstrong last night. It was actually just the first half of her interview; the second half is airing tonight on OWN.

I was caught off guard by the feelings of grief that I experienced as I watched...knot in my stomach...lump in my throat...sadness...much sadness! Why was I feeling such grief for a man I don't even know? Not only do I not know him, but I wouldn't even consider myself a fan of cycling. I certainly admire the incredibly challenging sport that it is, but I've never watched more than a few minutes of any cycling race. We mostly watch and play sports in our home that involve balls.

I guess I was drawn to this interview, because I was curious to see if Lance Armstrong was in fact going to finally come clean and admit his wrong doing, or if he was going to continue lying and denying and blaming?? I was pleasantly suprised to see that HE DID in fact admit to doping over much of his career, especially as it related to his 7 Tour de France wins. And he was careful not to implicate or blame anyone else for his behavior. He took full responsibility for his actions! So, why was I so sad?

The phrase "Oh, how the mighty have fallen" continued to flash through my mind last night. I knew it was from the Bible, but I couldn't remember what story it was related to? I looked it up this morning, and was reminded that it came from 2 Samuel Chapter 1. It was David's Lament for Saul and Jonathan. I was reminded that this lament came after David was notified of the death of Saul and his son Jonathan (who also happened to be David's best friend). I can understand how Jonathan would have mourned for his best friend, but why Saul? King Saul had been chasing after David and trying to take his life for a long time...surely he must have felt some relief. Why was he grieved for Saul?

I think that part of David's grief for Saul may have been over what could have been. He was grieved over the wrong choices that Saul continually made...the choices that eventually led to Saul's demise. I think that David could see the incredible potential that Saul had. As the leader of Israel at that time, he was certainly in a position of godly influence. Saul had the opportunity to be used mightily for God's kingdom. But instead, he allowed disobedience, insecurity and jealousy...SIN to consume his thoughts and actions. First, Saul lost his throne (1 Samuel 15:23) and then he lost his life (I Samuel 31:4).

How do these 2 stories relate?

I think that my grief for Lance Armstrong is similar to David's grief for Saul. I see the incredible potential that Lance had for godly influence. Early in his career, Lance declared himself to be a Christian. He was an amazing athlete, he had a beautiful family, he had the accolades of multitudes, and yet by the sin choices that he made, he eventually lost it all.

There were numerous times along his journey that he could have come clean. The first time that he was accused, he could have used that as an opportunity for confession and repentance...or the second time...or the third time... Instead, he hardened his heart, and not only did he blatantly deny the charges, but he even filed lawsuits against the people that were telling the truth. He truly believed that he would never get caught.

How does a man come to this place?

Sin- We have an enemy of our souls that is constantly tempting us to sin.

Romans 3:23 tells us that "We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

1 John 1:8 says,"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."

What do we do?

Repent- We must acknowledge our sin and ask for God's forgiveness. I also believe that this involves asking forgiveness from the ones we have sinned against.

1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, HE is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."

When I see a brother or sister in Christ fall in their sin, I am reminded of my own propensity for sin. I am asking God to continue to bring conviction into my heart where sin might be present, so that it does not grow!

Lord, help me to walk in your light every day!

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