Monday, January 7, 2013


When did "resolution" become such a bad word, (especially when it pertains to New Year's Resolutions)? I have been reading and listening to many people's views on this annual tradition over the past week. One of the DJ's on our local Christian radio station called it the "R word" and wouldn't even say it out loud.:) I heard someone else say that the definition of a New Years Resolution is a 3 week long list.

Yes, it is true that many of the things that we resolve to do, begin, and accomplish in the new year may never happen but what about the changes that do happen??

Wade and I typically have a "Get away" in January, as January 31st is the end of the certification period for Brianne's respite nursing hours. We will lose what we don't use, so of course we do our best to spend each and every one of these precious moments. We use this time away to look back at our "resolutions" from the past year, and see how we did. But we spend the majority of our time looking ahead and planning for the new year. We invite the Lord to be a part of our planning, and we spend time praying and asking for His wisdom.

I can sometimes become discouraged by the things that I had every intention of accomplishing but never did. But I am always encouraged by those few decisions that I made that I actually stuck to, and have become a part of my life now. My husband likes to say "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time!" So friends, let's aim at something new this year.

Many people focus on their physical health this time of year and join a gym or start a new diet. But let's not forget about our spiritual and emotional lives. What decisions do we need to make in those areas? Read through the Bible this year? Memorize one Scripture each month? Get more sleep? Make a "date" with a kindred spirit friend to get together every other week? Whatever you decide to do, WRITE IT DOWN or tell a friend, so that you have some accountability.

Statistics say that it takes 3 weeks to establish a habit, so if you start today, by the end of the month, you just might have a brand spankin' new habit! I'd love to hear from you as to what you are resolving to do this year!

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