Monday, February 18, 2013

This World is not our Home!

I've been thinking about death a great deal lately...not because I have a morbid imagination, but because our little community has been showered with grief in the past 2 weeks. I don't know what I would qualify as an "acceptable age" to die, but certainly not a 47 year old mother of 6, or a 42 year old father of 3. Our kids go to school with these children, and I can hardly bear the thought of this happening to our family.

And then, one week ago today, another precious angel went to be with Jesus...Brett Michael Menasco, at the young age of 15. Brett was one of Brianne's classmates for several years until he became too medically fragile to attend school any more. When he became homebound, I had the privilege to be his home health nurse for many months. His sweet and gentle spirit had a profound impact on me, as every day was a challenge for him, and yet he handled it with grace and dignity. These "special" children can certainly teach us a lot about how to live if we'll pay attention.

As you can imagine, there was a mixture of emotions that flooded me with Brett's passing. When I heard the news, I immediately pictured him running and playing and singing...doing all of the things that his weakened human body had prevented him from doing for so long. But then I thought of his mother, and the fact that Brett was not the only child that she had lost. She lost her first child at 9 years old, who passed before Brett was even born. "Oh Lord," I cried, "how is Bobi going to get through this?" And then the Lord reminded me that He loves Bobi even more than I do, and she WILL get through this with His strength!

He then reminded me of the book that I have bought several friends of mine who have lost children. Just writing that sentence makes me sick to my many Mommies who have had to lay their babies to rest! What a broken world we live in! The book is called "Mommy Please Don't Cry" by Linda DeYmaz. I was able to read it to Brett's mom at his Memorial service, and I want to share it with you here...

Mommy, please don't cry...A beautiful angel carried me here!

I met Jesus today, Mommy! He cradled me in His big, strong arms. He made me feel so happy inside.

Mommy, please don't cry...Heaven is wonderful! Did you know the streets are made of gold? Real gold!

I have lots of friends, Mommy. We run and play, we giggle and laugh. I can't wait to show you my secret hideouts!

Mommy, please don't cry...When I fall it doesn't hurt! There are no tears in Heaven.

I've met a man named Noah. He told me about his big boat, all the animals, and the very first rainbow. Have you heard of Noah, Mommy?

Mommy, please don't cry...We have lots of parties here; with streamers and hats, and the best chocolate cake ever!

When it's time to rest, angels tuck us in. I never get scared Mommy, there is no darkness here! Jesus is the light of heaven.

Mommy, please don't cry...the angels are always singing. I love to sing with the angels! You'd be proud of me, I have a pretty good voice. I must have gotten it from you.

There is a river, Mommy, in the most beautiful garden you could ever imagine...and a huge tree with yummy fruit. The angels call it the tree of life. Mommy, it's so wonderful to be alive in Heaven!

Mommy, please don't cry...sometimes I just like to be by myself. That's when I think of you.

Someday, Mommy, we will hold each other tight! Then you will cradle me in your arms, and stroke my hair...And once again, our hearts will beat together.

Mommy, please don't cry...I'll wait right here for you.

The Bible has a lot to say about heaven. It is a glorious place! And we know that Brett is there today! Mark 10:14 says, "[Jesus] said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." And in Matthew 5:8 Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."

One of the things that Bobi reminded us in Brett's eulogy is that "Life is short" and it is important that we live this life in the way that God intended us to. She also said, "I know that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and I will see my children again one day." What a comfort that John 3:16 is at a time like this...."For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life!"

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