Thursday, September 12, 2013

It Takes a Village!

Wow, my husband has only been gone 72 hours, and I am completely exhausted!  I'm sure it didn't help that this was the week for the semi-annual Children's Clothing Consignment Sale that I have participated in faithfully for more than 10 years.  It's a lot of work to be involved, but has literally saved our family thousands of dollars in clothing, toys, and home furnishing expenses over the years.  When I realized that Wade was going to be gone on a business trip this week, it was not even an option for me to miss the sale.

Instead I put together a plan to try and cover all my bases.  You know what they say about "the best laid plans?"  Well, it certainly has not been without challenges.  Bryant was late for both soccer practices this week, and had to be picked up (by me) walking in the dark to my mom's house after practice one night.  Brianne's wheelchair got stuck in the back of the van at our school drop off (Wade usually takes her to school in his truck), and I required the help of a young teacher to get it out.  I forgot to give Brianne's meds to her before school one morning, and only realized it an hour before the end of the school day.   And unfortunately I have "lost it" emotionally with my kids on more than one occasion.  And did I mention that it's only been 72 hours?

In spite of all the challenges, this picture could have been much more bleak without the help of so many wonderful family and friends who have stepped up to help me.  My friend Carrie has taken Bryant to school each day to give me more time to get Bri ready.  She also took both Brooke and Bryant to AWANAS and Youth Group AND brought them home. My friend Johanna picked Bryant up at school and brought him to me at the Consignment Sale 25 miles away.  Brianne has received wonderful love from our home care nurse Chris when I've had to be away.  My mom came and slept at my house until I got home late last night, and has also helped me with Bri's care.  Our neighbors, the Henry's, picked Brooke up from her volleyball game this week, and also brought us homemade chocolate chip cookies "out of the blue".  How did they know that sugar and chocolate were exactly what I needed to help maintain my sanity this week??!!  And Brooke has received rides home from volleyball practice from her teammate's mom.

All of this help in the past 3 days has caused me to realize 2 things:

1.  My husband is AWESOME!  It's amazing what a little perspective has done once again to help me appreciate the person closest to me.  There are so many things that Wade does each day that I don't even realize until he's gone...we truly do work as a "team," and when my teammate is not here, it is nearly impossible to keep all the balls in the air.

2.  Sometimes we need to ASK for help!   I am completely blessed by the amazing support group that the Lord has put in my life to "have my back" when I am in need.  It truly does "take a village to raise a child."  And I would add to that, "It takes a village to transport a child to everywhere on the planet that they need to be in any given week."

Feeling extremely grateful and counting down the hours until my Honey returns!!

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